AS early as 1857, a number of Catholic families lived in Mound City, but had
no organization. Father Walsh, from St. Patrick's Church at Cairo, came to
Mound City every third or fourth Sunday and said mass in the school house,
located on Walnut street. Occasionally, an effort was made to build a
church. Bishop Younker, of the Alton Diocese, which embraced this locality',
refusing to send a Priest until a church was built. The effort to build was
continued — Jerry Dunleary, P. M. Kelly, C. Buckheart, Mrs. N. R. Casey,
James Browner, and indeed all the Catholics living in the place were not
only anxious, but zealous, in their efforts to accomplish their object, and
in 1863 they had the satisfaction of worshiping in their own church. The
Emporium Company gave the lot the}' built upon. It was located on High
street, and runs back to Pearl street, between Railroad avenue and Walnut
street. The organization, and the christening of the Church St. Mary's
followed its completion. The building was 25x56 feet, and finished and
furnished in good style. The organization, at that time, was a strong one. A
large number of Catholic families were here, man}' of them connected with
the naval station, the United States Government Hospital, and the Government
works of various kinds. Father Moor was the first priest, followed by Father
Elthrop. They were here only a short time, when Father Kuckenbach came, and
while he remained the first house was built, a two-story frame, with one
story ell. Father Kuckenbach was relieved by Father Walsh, who took charge
of the congregation. He remained six or seven years, and was a very popular
priest, with more than ordinary ability. Father O'Conner followed Father
Walsh; he was a young man of ability, but was suffering from the incipient
stages of consumption. He remained at his post of labor until unable to do
so longer, went to the Sister's hospital at Cairo, and from there to
Jacksonville, Ill., where he died. Father Denneher was the next priest.
During his administration, the ground upon which is located St. Mary's
Catholic Cemetery, near Mound City Junction, was bought. The members of the
church had long felt the expense and inconvenience of burying their dead in
the Catholic cemetery at Villa Ridge, eight miles from Mound City. To avoid
this, Mrs. N. R. Casey inaugurated the plan to buy of the Bichtill heirs
twenty acres of land embracing the first high ground, north of the Mound
City Junction, opposite the Beach Grove Cemetery, and along the line of the
Illinois Central Railroad. To do so would cost $200. Mrs. Casey succeeded in
raising the amount by subscription. Her Protestant friends of Mound City and
Cairo were as liberal as her Catholic friends. She received 820 from
Archbishop Spalding, of Baltimore, who was her god father, and had married
her and her husband. When the twenty acres were surveyed, it showed a strip
of land containing three or four acres, lying between the land bought and
the Illinois Central Railroad, completely cutting off the view of the
cemetery from the junction and railroad. This strip had also belonged to the
Bichtill heirs, but Dr. Grain had a tax deed for it. The agent of the heirs
agreed to deed Mrs. Casey this strip of land, provided she secured the deed
from Dr. Grain, which she did by paying him $50 and it was added to St.
Mary's Catholic Cemetery, and upon that high, beautiful elevation, a part of
the strip alluded to, Mrs. Casey selected in her life-time, for her last
resting place, where she now lies buried.
After Father Denneher, Father Grant came, who did not remain long; he was
followed by Father Masterson, a young priest when he came. He became a
favorite with his congregation and with the community. He remained five or
six years, when he was relieved from his charge at Mound City and ordered by
the Bishop to Cairo; an effort was made to have the Bishop retain him longer
in Mound City, but without success. Father Becker came in his place, who
remained one year, when the present priest. Father Eckert came. The church
has maintained a Catholic school the greater part of the time since its
organization. They have also maintained a Sunday school. The church built
some years ago a one-story schoolhouse, on Fourth street, between Walnut and
Poplar. N. R. Casey gave them the lot, while the building was paid for,
largely, by private subscriptions and money raised by festivals, etc. The
church is out of debt; while the majority of its members are poor, they are
always willing to contribute their mite for the advancement of the church.
In the year 1857, the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized, Rev. R. H.
Manier of this Conference, and now of Effingham charge, was the first Pastor
in charge. For some time, it was connected with Cairo charge. In 1858, Revs.
J. A. Scarrett and Lingenfelter were sent as pastors in charge of the work.
Inasmuch as no record during the years of its connection with Cairo has been
kept in the possession of the Mound City Church, the names of certain
pastors who officiated from the time of organization to the year 1865 will
not appear here. In the year 1865, the church was organized as a station,
under the pastorate of Rev. J. P. Dew, with forty-nine members in full
connection. The charge was then in Equality District, Southern Illinois
Conference. The pastors who have been associated with the charge from 1865
up to September, 1880, when it ceased to be a station, are Revs. J. Hill,
one year; F. L. Thompson, one year; A. P. Morrison, one 3'ear; D. W.
Phillips, two years; F. M. Vantreese, two years; C. H. Farr, one year; J. H.
Garret, one year; R. Z. Fahs, one year; Revs. Fredgold and G. W. Willson,
two years; Ephraim Joy, three years. In 1880, the charge was organized into
a circuit, and Rev. E. M. Glasgow was sent and had the pastoral care for one
year. In September, 1881, at the Conference held in Greenville, Bishop Hurst
sent to the charge Rev. H. A. Doty, who is now the present pastor.
In the year 1865, under the labors of Rev. J. P. Dew, a brick church, 36x60
feet, was built. Its cost was $5,000. Its seating capacity will accommodate
300 persons. On the 1st day of July, 1866, it was solemnly set apart and
dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, by Dr. G. W. Hughey, now of St.
Louis, Mo. Since its origin, up to the present time, the records designate
its prosperity and its decline. During the palmier days of the city, it
flourished accordingly. During the last pastoral year, twenty-six have been
added to the church at Mound City, so that at present there is a membership
of sixty, and in the entire charge a membership of 140. The charge is now,
as Mound City and Ville Ridge charge, in the Mt. Vernon District, Southern
Illinois Conference, with Rev. C. Nash, Presiding Elder. For the above
history of the Methodist Church, we are indebted to the very kind and'
reverend Mr. Doty.
In 1861, Dr. Stephen J. McMaster resigned the Presidency of a college in
Missouri, and became Chaplain of Col. Buford's Illinois regiment. In 1862,
by special request, he became Chaplain of the United States Government
Hospital at Mound City, where he administered to the sick and dying.
Finally, a chapel for regular service was fitted up in the hospital. The
service in the chapel was attended by citizens as well as soldiers. Dr.
McMaster was a gentleman of education and culture. In 18G3, Dr. Isaac P.
Labough became rector of the church in Cairo. Desiring to hold church in
Mound City, the Methodist Church was kindly tendered him, where he held
service for a while and afterward at the schoolhouse. In 1865, the Rev. John
Foster held service in the schoolhouse. During the year 1866, the Rev.
William Britton officiated, and during this year the church was built and
dedicated St. Peter's. Dr. X. R. Casey gave the lot; it was 26x60 feet, upon
which it was built; and at a festival, held in the brick storehouse on the
corner of Poplar and First streets (afterward occupied by W. J. Price) the
members realized $2,200. Rev. M. Lyle held the first service in the church,
followed by Rev. Mr. Roften in 1868. Rev. William Mitchell had charge during
the year. Bishop Whitehouse confirmed a class of thirteen in 1869-70. The
Rev. James Coe and Rev. Edwin Conn held service in the church Sunday
afternoons. In 1871, Rev. A. E. Wells had come to Mound City as Chaplain of
the Navy Station, but soon took charge of St. Peters Church, and remained
its minister for six years; he was a social, pleasant gentleman, and was
favorably known by the community. Rev. Dean Ervine held service in 1881, and
in 1882-83 Rev. William Steel and Rev. F. P. Davenport occasionally held
service in the church. Bishop Whitehouse, McClaren and Seymour were present
at different confirmations. To the Rev. Dr. McMaster, in his capacity as
Chaplain at the hospital at Mound City, should be given the credit of
inaugurating the first move toward the establishment of the church. While
the church is at present without a minister, its members keep up their
Sunday school organization, and it is understood they are soon to be
supplied with a pastor.
The colored people of Mound City are supporting four churches. The First
Free-Will Baptist Church is located in the northwest part of the city. It is
a frame building, 26x50, has been built for several years, and has one
hundred and eleven members, while the average attendance at the church is
about one hundred and fifty. Rev. Nelson Ricks is the pastor. They have
forty-five children that attend the Sunday school. The Second Free-Will
Baptist Church is near Main street, in the upper portion of the city. It is
not so fine a church as the First. It is a box house, 18x30 feet. They have
twenty-five members; the average attendance is about fifty. Rev. George W.
Young is the minister in charge. The}' have twenty-five children at their
Sunday school. The Methodist Church is a frame building, 25x-l:0 feet, has a
membership of forty, fifty or more generally attending the meetings on
Sunday. Rev. Joseph White is in charge. Thirty-five children attend their
Sunday school. The Missionary organization has no building of its own to
worship in. They rent the Second Free-Will Baptist Church to hold their
meetings. They have twenty members. Rev. Charles Moore is the minister. Have
no Sunday school.
On Sunday, November 2, 1879, about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, tire was
discovered issuing from the top of John Zanone's two-story building, on Main
street, used for a saloon, billiard hall and residence, and almost
immediately thereafter it was evident the building could not be saved. The
wind was blowing rapidly from the northwest, and the entire roof was soon in
flames. Mrs. Vogel's two-story house, north of Zanone's, was soon on fire,
while Kriss Keller's, south, had caught and was burning. Then on the north
followed the burning of a one story house, belonging to Mr. Blum. Here an
effort was made to stay its progress north by pulling down the Blum house,
but it was not accomplished, and soon Mr. F. T. Fricke's drug store and his
residence, in the rear, were on fire, that soon extended to the large double
two-story house belonging to G. W. Carter. Then came Peter Coldwater's
two-story building, saloon and residence, together with Unsol's building,
residence and barber-shop. This included all the buildings from where the
fire started, going north on Main street, to William Stern's two-story brick
house. Here the fire was stopped going north; by great exertion Stern's
house was saved. All this time the fire was being driven on rapidly by the
wind southwest. After Keller's house came Alexander Wilson's furniture
store. When once on fire, it was but a moment when G. F. Meyer's large
two-story grocery store was on fire. From Meyer's, on the corner of Main and
Walnut streets, ^the fire was driven across Walnut street, and caught the
old brewer^' building, on the corner of Walnut and First streets. The large
two-story brick residence of Mrs. Ninnengers, alongside of the brewery
building, was next to take fire and burn; then Mrs. Moll's residence and
store building west of the brewery; then the old public schoolhouse across,
the alley on Walnut street. By pulling down the schoolhouse saved the
buildings south, to the river, from the brewery. The fire burned all the
buildings on First street to Poplar, then it crossed Poplar street and
burned W. J. Price's brick storehouse; from there it went west on Poplar
street to where Mr. Nordman now lives, and south on First to the
reservation. From Meyers store and the old brewery, the fire crossed Walnut
and First streets, to G. G. & J. W. I Morris's tin shop, then Tom Dun's
house, then I Mrs. M. E. Rawlings' large two-story brick ; house, then
William Dougherty's two-story frame residence. All the houses in the block
east, the fire had burned; B. L. Ulen's residence, Ferd Wehrfritz on
Commercial street, and all the buildings (skipping colored church) and depot
on that block. From there it caught the cooper shop, Rawlings' reservation,
then the court house building, then Meyer & Nordman's stave factory, and
then all the buildings on the bank of the river, that was built by the
Government, except the one now used by Mr. Reel for a flouring mill.
Fifty-five houses, including business houses and residences, in three short
hours, had been reduced to ashes.
The city was without a fire engine. They had hooks and ladders, and worked
manfully, but it was soon evident, nothing could stay its march to the
river. The wind seemed to increase with the fire until it blew a gale,
bearing boards and shingles, which blew across the river, setting the woods
on fire in Kentucky. When the fire was discovered, the people were helpless.
No power they had at command could stay its progress. The 31ayor telegraphed
to the Cairo fire companies, and they responded cheerfully. The Cairo &
Vincennes Railroad furnished an engine and flat cars, upon which two
hand-engines were brought to the city with the companies, while the fire had
about exhausted itself when they came, for the want of material to burn. The
engines did good service in throwing water on the still burning houses. It
was not believed any number of engines, after the fire got well started,
could have stayed its progress. Many not only their homes, but all
their homes contained. Household goods removed from the house and left on
some street far away from the fire, where it was supposed they would be
safe, were soon overtaken by the fire and burned up in the street. Even the
locust trees upon the Mound on the river bank, that had so long been
cherished by the people, were all burned down. No lives were lost, but
distress and excitement were seen ever3'where; women and little children
huddled together in the middle of the street, wondering where they would lay
their heads that night, or when their hunger would be relieved; and to add
to the calamity, thieves were busily engaged in carrying off any and
everything they could get hold of that was left exposed. Special policemen
had to be appointed before the stealing could be stopped. Those whose houses
had not burned provided for as many of the destitute as they could, and in
this way all had found a place to sleep, and were provided with something to
eat by 10 o'clock that night. An appeal the next day was made to the public,
and some 81,500 or $1,600 was given by various towns and cities for the
destitute. This was greatly appreciated. The estimated loss by the fire was
over $200,000. The citizens that had escaped the fire continued to render
aid and comfort to the afflicted. Compared with the size of the city and the
number of inhabitants, the fire in 1879 was as disastrous to Mound City as
the great Chicago fire was to that city. While the fire was discouraging,
the owners of the property burned set about at once rebuilding, and while
all the lots made vacant by the fire have not been rebuilt upon, still a
majority of them have, and instead of frame houses, the larger number are
elegant brick dwellings and business houses.
In 1857, Conner & Fubager built and operated a stave factory in the upper
part of the city. They worked about fifty men. At that time they procured
the timber for their staves, immediately around the factory, as a heavy
forest of fine timber lay all around them. In 1858, the factory burned. In
1857, H. C. Howard & Co., near Connor's stave factory, built and operated a
furniture factory. The close proximity to desirable timber, the cheapness of
labor, and the cheapness of freight upon the river, made it a desirable
location. Their trade was principally from the South. The civil war coming
upon the country, the factor}in 1861 was closed. Mr. Howard, the active
partner, some years later, died, and it was never revived. In the same year,
a planing mill and a sash and door factory was built in the same
neighborhood of the furniture factory. For ' want of capital, the parties
that built it suspended before the}had run it long. The same year, and near
the furniture factory, Johnson I & Carpenter built a flouring mill. This
mill I was run for a number of years, when the building was purchased by
Yocum, and in 1864 started an ax handle factory; later it was Yocum &
Harris, and in 1869 the Walworth Handle Works were established, where
McDowel's saw mill now stands, and Yocum & Harris and the Walworth factories
were consolidated. They did an extensive and profitable business until 1876.
They moved the factory to St. Louis, where it is still operated by Chester &
Harris. In 1858, a man by the name of Skeen built a saw mill near the mouth
of Cache River. In about a year, it passed to a man by the name of Brown,
and from Brown to a man by the name of Dudley. In 1861, Capt. W. L.
Hambleton became owner, and William Dougherty operated it a year or two,
when George E. Lounsberry had charge of it until 1868, when William
Dougherty became owner. He moved it near the bank of the Ohio River,
rebuilding the greater part of it. He operated it until 1872, then Craig &
Crandell for a year followed; by Crandell, Morris & Dougherty for a year,
when the machinery was sold and removed, which ended the existence of rather
an eventful saw mill. In 1869, Jones & Harlin established a shingle factory
at the mouth of Cache River. Soon after, in 1870, A. J. Dougherty bought it,
and run it for a year. In 1871 he added machinery for manufacturing staves,
but it was burnt down soon afterward. In July, 1871, A. J. Dougherty bought
the building in which Yocum first started his ax handle factory, and started
a stave factory, first making salt barrel staves for the Ohio Salt Company.
In the course of the year, he enlarged the business by manufacturing flour
barrel staves. The demand for the goods increased, and instead of eight or
ten men employed, as was all required at the start, the trade now requires
100 men to operate it. In 1877, a stock company was organized, and is now
carried on as the Mound City Stave Company. The first stockholders were: W.
L. Halliday, Jake Martin and A. J. Dougherty. The stock is now owned by A.
J. Dougherty and Orlando Wilson; capital stock, $5,000. In 1881, the factory
burned down, involving a loss of $15,000; insured for $7,000. After the
fire, the company purchased the lots on the corner of East First street, and
levee, upon which they built the present factory at a cost of $20,000, and
are now operating it with success.
In 1865, the hub and spoke factory was established in the Union Block
building by the Keer Bros., with W. H. Stokes, of Louisville, Ky.,
furnishing the capital. It was continued for a number of years, realizing
ready sales for their work, but by a combination of circumstances,
principally bad management, it went into bankruptcy.
In 1867, Edward Shippen commenced to manufacture wheel-barrows in the Union
Block, which he carried on extensively for about four years. He was a
son-in-law of the late W. H. Stokes, of Louisville, Ky. Becoming interested
in the provisions of his father-in-law's will, he moved to Louisville to
look after it.
In 1857, William Ninnenger rented a two-story house, between Poplar and Main
streets, in which he commenced the manufacture of beer, where he continued
until 1860, when he built the brewery on the corner of Walnut and First
streets. Here he made considerable money. In 1866, his health became bad,
and he went to Havana, hoping to find relief, but early in 1867 he died in
New Orleans on his way home. His brother Charles continued the brewery until
1870, when he closed it and died in 1871. The Walworth Handle Company left
their building standing when they moved to St. Louis, and in 1878 John
McDowell, from Brazil, Ind., purchased it and established an extensive saw
mill. The mill has great capacity, and is considered the most extensive of
the kind in Southern Illinois, if not in the State. The active and congenial
Quinn McCracken, also from Brazil, Ind., is the Superintendent. J. R. Reel,
another gentleman from Brazil, in 1879 established in one of the original
Government buildings, upon the levee, a flouring mill, but it became a
victim to the great fire of the same year. He is now occupying and operating
a flouring mill in the only building the ravages of the fire spared upon the
river bank. In 1858, G. F. Meyer came direct from Germany to Mound City, and
at once went into partnership with A. C Hallenberry in a small grocery store
on Main street, opposite where the post office is now kept. They soon moved
their business down to the brewery building, and then to the lot he now
occupies, on the corner of Main and Walnut streets. Meyer & Hallenberry
dissolved partnership in 1867, Meyer continuing at the same location,
Hallenberry establishing himself on the opposite side of the street, with a
grocery store. Mr. Meyer at an early day connected the business of buying
and shipping staves in the rough. At one time for a number of years he
controlled and operated the saw mill known as Webster & Carroll's, located
three miles north of Mound City; had a wooden railroad built from the mill
to the Ohio River, upon which the lumber was brought and shipped.
In May, 1879, Meyer & Nordman established their extensive and complete stave
factory, in all its departments, upon the river bank just north of the
Mound, and on Rawlings' reservation, when, the same year, November 2, 1879,
the factory, staves and all apartments thereunto belonging succumbed to the
fire that was so disastrous to so much of Mound City. The ashes were hardly
cold, however, when they began to rebuild, and on the 18th day of December
the same year, they were running. They manufactured, bricked and jointed
seasoned white oak staves and headings for ale hogsheads and barrels, beer
half-barrels, and kegs for whisky, and sirup barrels; in connection with the
factory they worked fifty men. They shipped their staves as far East as
Boston, and west to San Francisco, and have quite a trade to Canada. Mr.
Nordman came from Indianapolis; like Mr. Me3'er, he had much experience in
the stave business; both seeing and appreciating the advantages of the place
for such an enterprise, availed themselves of it. The Wabash Railroad runs a
switch upon their ground. The Mound City Railroad nearby, and the Ohio River
washing the shores just in front of them, tells them to choose the route to
send their goods. The da}" the fire consumed the stave factory of Meyer &
Nordman, it also burned the large grocery store of Mr. Meyer His loss was
great, but he carried an insurance that relieved him to a considerable
extent, and the next day after the fire, Meyer was found selling groceries
on the opposite corner, in a building which he owned. In 1882, he completed
and moved into his elegant store building upon the ground he had done
business so long before the fire. His store building is complete in all its
departments. It is built of the best of brick, foundation of stone. The
structure is 180x80 feet, and consists of four separate and distinct double
stores having seven departments, all admirably managed and all connected by
broad archways, with ample light, and two elevators. In one department
groceries, in another hardware and stoves, then boots, shoes, hats and caps,
then saddlery, then furniture, and separate departments for liquors and
groceries in wholesale, each line being full. The building is connected with
Cairo by telephone. The entire second floor is devoted to wholesale or
duplicated stock, as is also the basement, which latter, together with the
entire sidewalk extending around three sides of the building, is made of
English Portland cement, making them impervious to water and vermin. The
building has three fire and burglar-proof vaults, one in each double store;
on the second floor an elegant private and a book-keeper's office. Mr. Meyer
buys for cash direct from importers and first hands, In a warehouse, 37x130
feet, he keeps wagons, buggies and carriages of all descriptions and styles.
He keeps in a building 45x50, a full stock of sash, doors and blinds. He is
interested in nearly every industrial enterprise that contributes to the
growth, and prosperity of the city. His chief of staff, the gentlemanly
Ferdinand Wehrfritz, has full charge of the business in Mr. Mever's absence.
While other business men have made money in Mound City and gone elsewhere to
spend it, G. F. Meyer spends it where lie made it.
Mound City Lodge, Xo. 250, I. O. O. F., was instituted March 11, 1858. The
M. W. G. Master, W. Duff Green, of the I. O. O. F. of the jurisdiction of
Illinois, accompanied by Grand officers, P. G. D. Hannon, R. W. D. (}. M.
protem Brother Greenwood, R. W. Gr. M. P. G., George McKensie, R. W. G. T.
and Brother Owen, R. W. G. G., instituted the lodge with the following
charter members: P. G. J. Griswold, P. Gr. H. Hiner, Bros. C Kirkpatrick, W.
McNight and J. S. Hawkins. On the same evening, the following persons were
proposed and admitted, to wit: P. G. C. M. Ferrill, P. G. N. R. Casey. M. B.
Riggs, A. Patrick, R. Adams and sixteen others. On the 12th of March, 1858.
the hall was dedicated. On the 15th of October, 1858. a charter was granted
to the lodge, W. Duff Green being Grand Master. The first officers elected
were J. Griswold, N. G.; C. Kirkpatrick, V. G.; William McNight, Sec; and N.
R. Casey. Treas. Since the institution of this lodge, a quarter of a century
has elapsed. It has undergone many vicissitudes; burning of its hall in the
fire of 1879, it survives the struggle of other years with a brighter
outlook before it. It now numbers twenty members. Its present officers are
W. T. Freeze, N. G.; H. A. Doty, V. G.; L. D. Reel, Sec; T. W. Reed. Treas.
Since the burning of the hall in 1879, they fitted up a hall over Price's
store, on Main street, and went there every Friday evening.
The Knights of Honor were organized in October, 1879, with twenty-four
charter members. Since then the order has increased to fifty-four members.
But one death has occurred since the organization of the lodge, that of A.
Schnider. The lodge meets in the Odd Fellows Hall. Its present officers are
George Bosum, Dictator; Joseph Cale, Vice Dictator; H. G. Carter, Reporter,
and Edward A. Hays, Financial Reporter.
The Ladies and Knights of Honor, No. 587, were organized November 4. 1882,
with twenty-four charter members. They have increased since then to
twenty-eight members. No death has occurred since the order was established.
The present officers: Mrs. Joseph Goodloe, Protector; Mrs. Ninnenger, Vice
Protector; Mrs. Hattie M. Smith, Deputy Protector; Mrs. E. B. Watkins, Sec,
and William Painter, Treas.
In 1857, there lived in Mound City a number of Masons, belonging to lodges
in different parts of the country, and that the}' might enjoy directly the
advantages from the order, Cache Lodge was instituted in 1858. The following
were the charter members: James Goodloe, H. R. Howard, J. Y. Clemson, R. H.
Warner, I. E. Anderson, J. R. Emerie and C. Jennings. James Goodloe was its
first Master. Of the charter members none are now living in Mound City, and
the majority have long since been admitted or rejected in the lodge above.
Many of them and of those that became members of the order were faithful and
zealous in the cause, probably none so much as J. W. Morris, now of Cairo.
He was frequently chosen to represent Cache Lodge in the Grand Lodge of the
State, which duty he performed with great satisfaction. But circumstances
over which they had no control induced them to consolidate with the Cairo
Lodge, which they did in 187-1.
In 1866, the first Good Templars society was organized by old Father
Bingham, the great temperance worker. The lodge was carried on successively,
and did much good until 1876. The meetings were discontinued, but more or
less temperance work was done until 1878, when the Red Ribbon movement was
inaugurated by Dr. Reynolds, which resulted in much good. In 1882, another
Good Templars Lodge was established, and is now in successful operation.
The first store opened in Mound City was by Gen. M. M. Rawlings in 1855, and
contained a large stock of assorted merchandise. It was continued until
early in 1863. The store room was 25x100 feet. The building fronted
Rawlings' reservation; after 1863, it was known as the Marine Barracks, the
marines occupying it for several years, or while they were stationed at
3Iound City. The second business house was kept by R. H. Warner, 1856. It
consisted of groceries only. He built the house, and it also fronted the
reservation. The lot and buildings were afterward sold to Capt. Kelsey for
$10,000. In 1857, Warner & Donagon kept a grocery store on Poplar street,
between Front street and the reservation. John Donagon is still in Mound
City. Then Harrell & Dougherty in 1856 kept a store consisting of general
merchandise, wholesale and retail. John withdrew; had a grocery and
provision store. Coyle & Harris were the first carpenters and builders to
ask patronage in their business in Mound City. At the same time, Joe
Worthington offered to do house and ornamental painting. The firm of Coyle &
Harris was soon changed to Holmes & Wickwire. John Given, J. B. Morrison,
carpenters and contractors, found plenty to do in Mound City. Charles
Ninnenger was the first barber, in 1856, Room 34 Shelton House. Soon
afterward came Ben Savage, and opened barbershop on Front street. He was a
colored man, pretty well advanced in years; for several years, besides
practicing his art, played the fiddle for all the children's parties in the
city. He was not an Ole Bull in that line; he very rarely had more than
three strings to his fiddle, yet the music and the dance went on, and old
Ben, as the night advanced, while the noise of the fiddle continued, seemed
to charm himself into sweet repose, and some of Peck's bad boys would stick
pins in him to keep him going. He, like all the men, had a history, and was
always anxious to tell it. He had one story that was his favorite. It was
connected with his life, away back "where he came from." All who sat under
his razor had to listen to it every time they occupied his chair. It
referred to his youthful days and his youthful sports. It was always
enjoyable, especially so when you were in a hurry, for the recitation
seriously delayed the business in hand. But in a few years he passed from
these shores, and old Ben and his fiddle were heard no more. Jonathan Tucker
kept the first butcher shop. The first matrimonial alliance in Mound City
was consummated by Jackson Stanly, groom, and Miss Mary Venoy the bride.
Rev. I. C. Anderson pronounced the words that made them inseparable.
Capt. C. M. Ferrill and Nelson kept a wharf boat in 1857. Ferrill was
elected the first Police' Magistrate in Mound City, resigning soon after. He
was elected City Marshal, and was a terror to evil doers. He built two
cottages in Mound City, and lived in one of them a number of years, when he
moved to Elizabethtown. Went into the army, came back a Colonel of a
regiment, and in 1873 was elected to the State Senate from the Fifty-first
District. In 1857, Bennett & Eddy were house and ornamental painters;
acquired a good business in their lines. Mayfield and Cresp, surgeon and
dentist, could be found if you had the toothache, on Main street, in 1857.
J. S. Hawkins, plasterer. He was a small man, walked unusually rapid, but
understood his business. King & Rice were brickmakers in 1856, and Capt. F.
A. Fair was the bricklayer. The Shelton House was supplying the wants of the
inner man. It was first-class and had some style about it. The proprietor,
R. B. Shelton, furnished his guests with a bill of fare at all meals. The
writer of this has one dated June 3, 1857. It starts out with three kinds of
soup, then fish, then comes corn beef and cold dishes, entrees; but listen
to what follows under the head of roast — chicken, beef, veal, mutton, ham,
pork, pig and duck — which or how many kinds will 3'ou have ? was the
question. Then comes game, then follows vegetables, eleven different kinds.
Then relishes, puddings and pastries, consisting of fifteen varieties, then
desserts. The list of wines, with meal hours, including when children and
servants shall be waked, and when they may eat, covers one entire side of
the bill. Here at the elegant dinners at the Shelton House, sat the
President, Directors and stockholders of the Emporium Company in 1857,
sipping their champagne, and talking of oriental palaces and marble halls.
Detwiler & Yonker, were the first fashionable boot and shoe makers. Their
sign hung from the railroad building in 1856. In April, 1856, Younking &
Mayfield opened the first drug store in the building where George Mertz &
Son now keep grocery store. It had many owners. In 1876, Dr. Amonett was the
owner, but before his death he disposed of it, and it was removed from Mound
City. In 1857, Tourill & Faelix established a drug store where Mrs. Moll now
carries on business. In connection with drugs, they kept books and
periodicals. Faelix sold his interest to Tourill, and returned to Germany.
Tourill built a house on Main street, south of Railroad avenue, and in it
continued the drug business until 1870, when he sold to F. G. Fricke, and
moved to New York City, where he died some years ago. Mr. Fricke bought
property on the east side of Main street, to which he moved the drug store.
He was burnt out in 1879, after which he built a brick house, and still
carries on the drug business. A. Fraser advertises, in June. 1857, tin,
sheet-iron and copper-ware for sale, wholesale and retail. He was then on a
flat-boat, but built a house on Main street, and moved into it soon after.
With him came G. G. and J. W. Morris, who for many years afterward lived in
Mound City, and as G. G. & J. W. Morris, did business. G. G. Morris is now
superintending a stave factory at Stone Fort, in this State, while J. W.
Morris lives in Cairo, and carries on a tin, sheet-iron and copper shop. In
1857, Orsbern & Kornlo, opened on First street, an ice cream saloon, and to
increase the luxuries in the business, they added cigars and tobacco.
John F. Morgan, in 1857, kept a grocery and feed store. The same year T.
Hilderbrand opened a saddle and harness shop, and about the same time John
D. James & Co. opened on Front street, between Poplar and Walnut, an
exchange and banking office, but did not survive a great while. In 1857
Clemson & Barney opened an extensive dry goods house on First street, south
of Poplar. Before and during the war, a number of gentlemen made fortunes
selling goods in Mound City, but moved away to enjoy them and at the same
time to add to them. But they have found fortune to be fickle, and their
thousands have departed. The moral would indicate, you had better continue
to live where you do well.
Mound City has a population of 2,500. Her location, contrary to the judgment
of a stranger, is exceedingly healthy. Visit her public schools and see her
bright, healthy -looking children; visit the public demonstrations that call
out the population, and for healthful appearance they will compare with any
people in any part of the country. The breeze from the Mississippi and Ohio
Rivers absorbs or drives over and above Mound City the malaria, where it
exists in the country while Mound City is comparatively exempt from many
diseases that carry off people further north, and who are living upon higher
ground. No question can exist but that the health, according to actual
statistics of Mound City, would compare favorably with any town in Illinois.
In other words, you can live as long in Mound City as you would anywhere,
and, as to your happiness afterward. Mound City should not be responsible.
Mound City presents no idlers or loafers. Her manufactures and her
enterprises keep everybody employed, consequently 3Iound City has no paupers
or people suffering for bread.
The present businesses of the city are represented by Mrs. Moll's dry goods
store, on Walnut street, at the foot of Main street; A. Lutz, butcher shop,
on west side of Main; John Yogel, baker and confectioner; John Ballany ,
silver smith; John Trampert, boot and shoe maker, with large stock
ready-made; George Stoltz, Stoltz House, of which he is proprietor; S. Back,
dry goods store, boots and shoes and ready-made clothing; L. Blum, dry
goods, boots and shoes and ready-made clothing; C. Boekenkamp & Co.,
groceries; P. Ward, ice cream saloon and confectionery; Caesar Sheller,
butcher; George Bosum, boots and shoes; all west side of Main street and
south of Railroad avenue — James Mulrony, saloon, livery and feed stable;
Thomas Browner, groceries; A. Weason, undertaker; west side of Main street
and north of Railroad avenue— Bell & McCoy, groceries and provisions; A.
Montgomery, undertaker; Loren Stophlet, groceries and feed store; N.
Newnogle, bakery, confectionery and toys; George Mertz & Son, grocery and
feed store; Mike Pracht. tobacconist; William Hough, tinner; W. J. Price,
dry goods, groceries and ready-made clothing; Dr. C. B. Toher; William
Neidstein, saloon and billiard rooms; Romeo Friganza, books, stationery,
fancy articles, periodicals and newspapers; William Stern, saloon; Jake
Unroe, barber, ice cream and confectionery saloon; Peter Coldwater, saloon;
F. G. Fricke, druggist; Mrs. Vogel, washing house; John Zanone, variety
store; Kris Keller, barber; G-. F. Meyer, groceries, boots and shoes,
hardware, hats, caps, furniture, saddlery, wagons, plows, reapers and
mowers, buggies and carriages, and many other things, all on the west side
of Main street; Mrs. Blake, milliner, on Commercial street; Mrs. Fray,; Mrs. Nick Smith's Planter's House; Mound City Hotel, McClenen,
proprietor, on Railroad avenue and river front; P. M. Kelly, Eagle Hotel;
John Dishinger, blacksmith shop; Pat Scott, blacksmith and wagon shop, on
Main street; C. A. Dowd, blacksmith; B. R. Barry, blacksmith shop, on Third
street, between Walnut and Poplar.
The present officials of the city are I. W. Reed, Justice of the Peace and
acting Police Magistrate; George Mertz, Mayor; G. F. Meyer, A. J. Dougherty,
Quinn McCracken, C. N. Bell, J. H. Reel, Daniel Hogan, Councilmen; Frank R.
Casey, Clerk.
Union | Johnson | |
Alexander |
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Massac McCracken KY |
Ballard KY |