The Dongala correspondent of the Jonesboro Gazette speaks thus of an expected immigration of Pennsylvanians to this part of the state. "Our friends at Wetaug mean to invite immigration, as will be seen by the following form Capt. Hight. He says, according to the Pulaski Patriot, that the arrangements are all completed for one hundred families of Germans from Pennsylvania to locate at his own town, and that by September of this year they will all be there located. The captain has donated to these emigrants 300 acres of good land, and will sell them about 3,000 acres of equally as good land at a very low price. These thrifty Pennsylvanians will bring $250,000 into Pulaski county, and will make the Wetaug precinct blossom like the rose. Too much credit cannot be given Captain Hight for his efforts in this behalf. He has spent much time for the past two yours in securing this accession to our county, and we hope he may be abundantly rewarded for his enterprise and public spirit. We are pleased to hear this. The Pennsylvania Dutch are good farmers. Mr. P. Daggy, the obliging agent of the Illinois Central railroad land department, has assisted the captain in this enterprise. Cairo is going to be a great city, and all that is needed in Pulaski and Union counties is more good, honest tillers of the soil, to make this the garden of the Mississippi valley.
A Fine Farm
To Lease
for a term of years.
I will lease my farm at Pulaski 16 miles from
Cairo, to a good tenant for a term of years. The farm is rich bottom and
timber upland, good for fruit and early gardening; two living springs of
water that have shown no signs of falling this present dry season; new
two-story dwelling of 7 rooms within five minutes walk of railroad depot,
postoffice and telegraph office; mineral water as good as the best can be
obtained by driving. At a little expense a fish pond fed by living water can
be made and stocked with native fish. The wheat crop this season yileded 15
bushels to the acre and corn will yield 30 bushels to the acre. As a dairy
farm, the place is unequaled. New farm implements, cows, horses, etc. will
be sold with the lease if desired. Parties are invited to visit the place or
address me by letter. E. M. Lowe, Pulaski, Ills. Enquiries may be made at
The Bulletin office or of J. H. Metcalf, Cairo, Ills.
The Sensations of Hanging.
Yesterday several gentlemen were speaking
of capital punishment, when J. L. McNeely, one of the most prosperous
farmers in Pulaski county, remarked:
"Gentlemen, so far as the punishment
is concerned, hanging does not amount to anything. I was hung once until I
was insensible, and the feeling could scarcely be called pain."
"I am in
earnest," he continued. "In 1865, just at the close of the war, robbers came
to my house in search of money. As a precaution against scuh visitors I had
given two watches and $600 in gold to a trusty colored woman to keep for me
until times improved. I was lying in bed, crippled. Several men entered the
room, and, without saying anything, put a rope around my neck and began to
pull. I told them that if they were going to hang me, to wait until I could
gt my crutch, so that I could walk to the hanging place. They took me out on
the gallery, and, throwing the rope over a cross-beam, asked me for my
money. I told them that I had none. They drew me up. For a moment I
experienced a slight choking sensation, and then I became insensible. When I
became conscious, after being taken down, I was sitting on the steps. The
sensations while regaining consciousness were very much like those
experienced during a nightmare. – Little Rock Gazette.
Behind the Bars.
James Goodwin, a Mt. Pulaski, Ill., Murderer,
Captured at Alton.
Alton, Ill., March 31. – An important arrest was made
here to-day by City Marshal Joesling. Jas. Goodwin, who was indicted by the
Pulaski County, Ill., Grand Jury about a year ago for murder, and who
escaped, was arrested on identification by a citizen of Pulaski County, who
was in the city. He was employed here by the Huse-Loomis Ice Company.
Goodwin is said to have murdered a man by braining him with a club in Mound
News from Our Neighbors - Mound City
Mrs. Wm. Montgonery is quite ill this week.
Mr. Geo. Schuler has the contract to paint and paper the interior of Miss
Ida Johnson's up-to-date dry goods and millinery and it is making a fine and
neat appearance.
Ben Blum was a Cairo business caller Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wall left Friday for Chicago where the former will
transact business.
Mrs. Geo. Blank of Mounds, was shopping here Friday.
Henry Nordman, an engineer on the I. C. railroad was in the city Friday
circulating among old acquaintances.
Miss Rachel Hodge was in from Mounds Friday on a shopping tour.
Hon. L. M. Bradley and Attorney Carl Miller are forming a law partnership,
the style of which has not yet been determined. They will occupy Mr.
Bradley's offices in the Phoenix Block.
Mrs. Joe Roberts of Mounds was in the city Friday.
Mrs. Geo. Betts and Mrs. Frank Handley spent Friday in Cairo shopping.
Mr. Newton Dalton made a business trip to Cairo Friday.
Sidney Johnson was a Cairo business caller Friday.
Mrs. Pink Dunsworth returned home Friday from America. Her sister, Mis Julia
Yoakum accompanied her home and will remain here a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Blankenship of Wickliffe, who were the guests of their
daughter, Mrs. C. J. Brady on Fourth street the past few days returned to
their home Friday. Mr. Blankenship is a well known lumber man.
Mrs. W. A. Dougherty was the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Simpkins in
Cairo Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Pleas Hardesty of America was in town Friday shopping.
H. A. Mason and little daughter Hazel, visited Mrs. Mason who is rapidly
improving under the splendid treatment at St. Mary's Infirmary in Cairo.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schuler returned home Friday from a few days' visit with
relatives at Levings.
Miss Bertha Heck of Indianapolis arrived Thursday to take the position of
trimmer at C. S. Britton's millinery. Miss Heck has spent one season here in
this capacity and formed many acquaintances who are glad to welcome her
A few members of the A. A. club were pleasantly entertained at the home of
Miss Estelle Brown. The charming hostess served refreshment and the evening
was spent with music and games. The guests were Misses Freda Miller, Allie
Betts, Ella Dolan, Madeline Coulter, Julia Johns and Inez Sullivan.
Grand Chain - Harry Steers is down from Metropolis, Illinois.
D. W. Tarr, of Vienna, visited relatives here Sunday.
Mesdames Minnie and Lizzie Merchant went to Cairo Monday.
Miss Annie Youngblood of America is visiting Mrs. Margie McIntire.
Fred Weaver and wife of Olmstead were here Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Ula Poe, of Metropolis, Ill., is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. Harry Rees of Oaktown brought her son, Willis, to Dr. Tarr for
Miss Stella Eaves died Sunday at her sister's Mrs. Magie McIntosh here in
town. The funeral was held at the Christian church Monday, by Rev. Jones.
The remains were interred in the Masonic cemetery.
Mounds - Elmer Aldred, of Cairo, visited his uncle, Henry Aldred and family, Friday.
Mound City - Mrs. J. W. Cole is on a visit wit her son, W. J.
Biggerstaff, in Villa Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Burnley have been visiting relatives in Kevil, Ky.
Mrs. Sam Arr and Miss Florence Halliday, of Cairo, have been guests of Mrs.
L. D. Stophlet.
Wm. Westerman has been attending the stavemakers' annual convention in St.
Louis this week and visiting relatives in Germantown, Ill.
Mrs. Mary Adams, of Memphis, a guest of her mother, Mrs. H. Hallerberg.
Mounds - Mrs. R. A. Cunningham, of Cairo sent a few days with her daughter,
Mrs. I. N. Taylor, this week.
Mrs. Sarah Greer, of St. Louis, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Pool.
Mrs. J. W. Rowley, of Pulaski, visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. Swayne
Mrs. lee Watson, of Willard, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edwards,
Grand Chain - Miss Ethel Mackey has returned home to Vienna after a visit
here with her brother.
Lee Brontley is the happy father of a bouncing boy, born June 8.
Theo. Ruether is the proud father of another girl, born June 7.
Mound City - ... cases disposed of at the recent sitting of the county court: People vs. Al Walker ... John Gardner ... John Read ... Jennie Hunt ... Boston Thomas ... Peter Hasler ... J.F. Adkinson vs. Hugh McCall ... P. H. Stern vs. Sam Badgeley ... W. H. Crippen vs. Ed Keller ... Alexander Taylor vs. Sallie Freeman ... People vs. Fred Davis, wife abandonment; defendant agrees to support wife at $2 per week. ... Mose Mumphis ... Fred Dankoch ...
Mound City - Mrs. Chas Case, wife of the new proprietor of the Star
bakery, has arrived from Clinton, Ky., and the couple have gone to
Mrs. Emma Oliver of Burlingame, Kas., for years a resident of this city is a
guest of her brother, Dave Kittle.
Ullin - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunt and little Edna and Elsie Hileman
returned Saturday night from a visit to relatives in Crawfordsville, Ind.
James Scott died very suddenly Saturday night. Interment was made Sunday at
Miss Josephine Atchison of Olive Branch is visiting friends here this week.
Mr. Fred Ullen, an old and highly respected citizen, died Saturday,
September 16.
Mrs. Maude Sweet arrived Saturday from Denver to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Kelly.
Word was received here Tuesday by H. G. Carter that Miss Margaret
Fristow, his eldrest grandchild, was dead, at her home at Mayfield, Ky. Mr.
Carter left immediately. It will be remembered by many friends that Mrs.
Fristow, formerly Miss Charlotte Carter of this place died about two years
Mrs. Mattie Davis and family have moved back from Bertrand, Mo.
Mr. Ed. Price and family have moved to Wetag. It was too dry down here for
Ed's business, that of a saloon keeper.
Mound City - Mr. Ed Disbennet is at home from his work at
Greer-Wilkinson's mill, as the result of having his arm severerly hurt by
being caught in a belt.
Glen the 2 1/2-year-old sone of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Edwards, who was
accidentally shot Wednesday noon died at noon Saturday and the grief
stricken parents took the body to Bevels, Ky., for burial ... Edgewood
Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Benton returned Saturday from Whiting, Mo., where they
attended the funeral of Robert Ridge, a nephew of Mr. Benton. Mr. Ridge was
night engineer at the Mound City Light plant during last year.
Mr. Andrew Freeman became suddenly ill Wednesday evening while at work at O.
L. Bartlett's Meat Block factory and is seriously ill at his home on High
street. His son Chas. Freeman, of Highland, Ill., is expected to arrive
today and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Freeman of Mounds arrived Saturday evening to
be at his bedside. Mr. Freman is a member of the I.O.O.F. Modern Woodmen and
Court of Honor ledges.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richardson of St. Louis are the guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuler and family.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H Hawley and granddaughter, Little Averil Richey, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Calvin at Levings.
Mound City - Miss Sallye Yoakum of America was the guest of relatives
here Monday.
Mrs. Ella Watkins and Mrs. Chas. Livesay spent Monday evening as the guest
of a sister in Cairo.
Dr. W. J. Whiteaker of Olmsted was the guest of his brother here Monday.
H. C. Parker and family returned Monday from a few weeks visit with
relatives at Henshaw, Dixon, and other Kentucky cities.
Mound City - Mrs. Wm. Westerman has shipped her household goods to New
Orleans where the family will reside. ...
J. P. Nesbit of Murphysboro, arrived Thursday evening to visit his daughter
Miss Margaret who is improving slowly.
U. A. Swisshelm, superintendent of the Walker Veneer and Lumber Co. has
rented the Wm. Westerman property on Walnut and High streets and is getting
it in readiness for his family who will arrive soon from Portsmouth, Ohio.
John Schuler, Jr., of Cape Girardeau, spent Friday evening with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Schuler on Fifth street.
L. D. Stophlet and G. J. Murphy are having a concrete curbing built in front
of the Stophlet shoe and grocery store, Darragh's meat market and Compton's
jewelry store.
Mound City - Mrs. B. S. Gray and Mrs. H. V. Carter of Vienna, and Mrs. J.
T. Lynch of Cairo, also several persons from Mounds, attended the funeral of
Wilma Elsie Snyder here Wednesday.
Miss Edna Miller returned home Tuesday evening from a ten days' visit with
relatives at Mt. Carmel. She was accompanied by Helen and Meslin Maddox of
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kiener and family of Paducah, moved their household goods
to this city Wednesday, and have located in the Wm. Keeler property on Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Karraker and family of DuQuoin, have located in the city,
having rented the Owens property on Pearl street.
Union | Johnson | |
Alexander |
![]() |
Massac McCracken KY |
Ballard KY |